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We strive to fulfil its role to find productions of all kinds of agricultural products and export them around the world. In doing so, we aim to position itself as the leading traders in the world. We have a unique range of products on offer from other vendors, companies and the public.
Basic positions of the goods:
- unrefined and refined sunflower oil,
- powder milk,
- and other varieties of any agricultural product.
Sunflower oil

Company AgroKon Trading Ltd offers refined and crude sunflower oil imported from Spain, Russia, Ukraine. The oil is duty paid, I-st ​​quality and has all the necessary certificates for sale within the European Union (EURO1, T2L, SGS, certificate of origin, etc.) as bottled oil can be supplied with label trademark of the client.

Olive Oil

Company Agrokon Trading offers olive oil. This product has all the necessary certificates for sale in the European Union and ASWP.

Crude Degummed Rapeseed oil

Company Agrokon Trading offers CDRO. This product has all the necessary certificates for sale in the European Union and ASWP.

Powder milk

Company Agrokon Trading offers powder milk. This product has all the necessary certificates for sale in the European Union and ASWP.


Company Agrokon Trading offers natural honey. This product has all the necessary certificates for sale in the European Union and ASWP.

Tomato Paste

Company Agrokon Trading offers tomato paste. This product has all the necessary certificates for sale in the European Union and ASWP.


Company Agrokon Trading offers wheat. This product has all the necessary certificates for sale in the European Union and ASWP.

Feed Corn

Company Agrokon Trading offers feed corn. This product has all the necessary certificates for sale in the European Union and ASWP.

Feed Barley

Company Agrokon Trading offers feed barley. This product has all the necessary certificates for sale in the European Union and ASWP.

Wheat Flour

Company Agrokon Trading offers wheat flour. This product has all the necessary certificates for sale in the European Union and ASWP.

Sunflower Meal

Company Agrokon Trading offers sunflower meal. This product has all the necessary certificates for sale in the European Union and ASWP.

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